Thursday, December 6, 2012

Kim Hyun Joong revealed to have anonymously donated $46,000 USD to Red Cross

HJ really has a generous heart and that's why his so blessed...

It was recently revealed that the anonymous person who donated 50 million Won ($46,144 USD) to the Korean National Red Cross is in fact SS501‘s Kim Hyun Joong.

One insider stated on December 6th, “I heard that Kim Hyun Joong recently anonymously donated 50 million Won to the Korean National Red Cross to help out those in need.” The Red Cross commented, “It’s true that a famous celebrity donated 50 million Won on December 3rd. The donator insisted that he be kept anonymous, so we cannot reveal his identity.”

Kim Hyun Joong also seems to have kept it from his own agency, Key East, as they reported they knew nothing of the donation.

[Photos] Kim Hyun Joong for THE FACE SHOP Making Film by YUMIKO


[Info] Link to Stream Online for Kim Hyun Joong's Appearance for Miguhui Music Festival in Chengdu


HJ is confirmed to be at Miguhui Music Festival in Chengdu to be held on December 08, 2012 by 17:00.. It seems HJ is now very popular in China... can't wait for this event!!

For online streaming please click the link here...

[Info] Kim Hyun Joong's Flight Details for Miguhui Music Festival in Chengdu


Here is HJ's Flight Infos:

Date: December 07, 2012
Flight No: CA436 
Departure Time: 15:50 - Incheon Airport
Arrival Time:  21:15 - Shuangliu Airport