Wednesday, May 22, 2013

[Article] Kim Hyun Joong 김현중 braves the waves on "BAREFOOT FRIENDS"


Kim Hyun Joong took a brave step forward on the latest episode of SBS' travel variety program, 'Barefoot Friends'.

During their voyage in Indonesia, the cast members traveled to a remote island to try and capture some of the famed Indonesian rock shrimp. However, along the way, they encountered a perilous cable car journey between two rocky outcrops. Traveling between two flimsy ropes above a whirlpool-filled ocean, the members had to pull the car themselves to get across the ocean.

Despite what looked like a treacherous crossing, Kim Hyun Joong volunteered to be the first one up to bat. Greeting the camera, he stoically said, "Thank you to everyone who followed Kim Hyun Joong for the past years", before taking a figurative leap of faith on the cable.

Although afraid at first, the entrancing vista of the ocean waves and the horizon soon pushed any fear from his mind as he whooped in surprise. "The view is incredible,"  he told his fellow team members once he had safely crossed. "It's not that hard."

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